I want to talk about the obvious big news that came out of Raw tonight. That is the retirement of Edge. Edge has retired and everything that he said is the truth. The show kicked off tonight with the announcement of Edge having something big to say with the tease of retirement. There has been rumblings for a while now that Edge's career was coming to a close. His neck still had been bothering him and he was starting to look at things the way that Shawn Michaels did. Pick a date and retire. However, it sounds like that his recent test results have changed that plan. Edge has battled neck troubles for a lot of his career. Edge broke his neck back and had spinal fusion surgery in 2003. Edge was able to return the ring obviously and have many more great years in the ring. His best years in my opinion. Edge walked out on Raw and was clearly shaken with the news that he was about to deliver. He talked about his career and the business overall along with the fans. Edge got choked up when he said the words that he was told that he could end up in a wheelchair. Test results had shown that he was going to have to hang it up. He talked about how he wanted to go out on his own terms while Christian had told him that his whole career had been on his own terms. He talked about getting to finish his career as world champion and competing at WrestleMania. Edge said farewell and the crowd gave him a huge ovation of appreciation. We then got to see him walk through the hallway in the back saying goodbye to the talent. That was a touching scene. This has been kept quiet. Even when I was watching it, I wasn't sure what I was seeing. It was so far out of the blue especially with the announcement of a Edge/Del Rio match set for Extreme Rules. Glad that he got those test results now before he did that match. Whew. WWE.com has posted an article on Edge. Basically, he has been "suffering numbness and uncontrollable trembling in his arms and hands". They are symptoms of nueropraxia. He had a MRI done last week and was sent to a neurosurgeon. It was determined that Edge has stenosis of the spine which is a narrowing of the spinal column above and below the fused discs from the surgery. The narrowing decreases the amount of fluid needed to protect the spinal cord. Edge competing could result in him being paralyzed or could even kill him. There is no way around it other than to say that that is flat out scary. SCARY!! I'm just glad that they did find this out now and that he isn't going to be doing worse damage to himself. I am so sad as an Edge fan. I've been an Edge fan since 1998. I became a fan just by watching those promos teasing his debut. I've annoyed a lot of people over the years with my cheering of a heel Edge. LOL. Just a great, great talent and he is going to be missed.
A quick note to WWE. People have been saying this for a while but you guys had better start getting some talent elevated. Not this start/stop stuff that you do with the young talent. You need to get these young guys over to the fans and quit pulling the rug out from under them. Chris Jericho did that interview within the last year about how this current generation is almost gone from the business and how he is concerned about how WWE hasn't done enough to replace them. Shawn Michaels has retired. Triple H is going to see little action now as he is settling into his office position. Undertaker is at the very end of his career with a shoulder that is barely holding on. Edge has retired. Jericho is in and out. How many times can you do John Cena vs. Randy Orton?
I'll have more in the next Wrestling List along with Raw thoughts and other happenings from the week but I wanted to get something out tonight cause people are asking me what is going on.
Have a great night!! Take care and God bless!!
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