Where do I start with Edge? If you've known me for a long time, you know that I jumped on board with this guy right from the start. I was hooked just watching those promos in 1998 that were setting up his debut. Who was this mysterious guy in a trenchcoat running around the streets with the "you think you know me" line playing over the video? I was pumped by the time this guy even debuted and I liked what I saw right from the debut match. I was one of the first Edgeheads. I just loved watching him. Music playing, spotlight all over the arena, and there he is. Trying to figure out where this mysterious figure was going to walk from to get to the ring. Edge would go into tag team stardom pretty early on and have that exclamation point during the first ever tag team ladder match on PPV in late 1999. It was that first big moment to where it gave a signal to the crowd that you had better pay attention to this guy. The Edge and Christian tag team quickly became my favorite. They turned into a great comedy team that saw so many fun moments that just reeked of awesomeness. Like how I got one of their lines in there? I still laugh at them at Stephanie's birthday party and playing Triple H's music on the kazoo. "It's my time, it's my time". LOL It erupted the room gathered watching it into laughter as Triple H kicked them out of the room. The five second pose stuff. Just loved it. Team ECK. Remember that? Edge and Christian would go along with The Hardys and The Dudleys to take tag team wrestling and extreme to the next level with a match we still see today, TLC. It was great at SummerSlam and tore the house down at WrestleMania X-7. The spear of Edge on to Hardy off the ladder is still all over the highlight reels and probably will be his defining big spot moment that people will remember cause it was at such a high profile event. I always knew that Edge could be a singles star. I had seen it in 1998. When the team was split up, I just knew that it was going to be big things for him. It was. Edge would win his first Intercontinental title in 2001 and was on his way. By the time that 2002 rolled around, he was one of the best stars in WWE. He had that great entrance where he would run out, run up and down the stage, and just pump that crowd up. I loved it!! I often get asked what is the best match that I've seen live? I have always answered this and still do. Edge vs. Kurt Angle at Judgment Day 2002 in Nashville. Hair vs. Hair. This match was just off the charts good. They had the crowd in the palm of their hands and we were reacting on everything. Just two incredible performers. I have seen some great matches live but that one still tops the list to this day. 2002 was a break out year for Edge and I just knew that 2003 was going to be bigger. Then, unfortunately came the neck fusion surgery. It would keep him out of the ring for a long time and it did seem to break his momentum. WWE didn't help matters by putting his first feud with Kane. They're great friends but I have just never seen good in ring chemistry with those two together. It also didn't help that WWE shot an angle upon Edge's disappearance where someone had knocked him out in the back. Did WWE do a storyline upon his return where he looked for who took him out? Nope. They acted like it never happened and wanted us to think that it never did happen. It's funny too cause in Edge's book, he talks about how he argued the same point saying shouldn't I be looking for who did this to me? Edge worked his way back in and got his momentum rolling again. He was turned heel and eventually paired up with Lita. The feud with Edge and Matt Hardy was great TV and basically cause it played off of a real life situation. WWE did what WWE does a lot of times and broke that momentum of the feud that everyone was into and it fizzled out. It was a shame but Edge had big momentum as a heel. He was that big time jerk of a heel that people just loved to hate. I still loved him. LOL. It's always funny when you see such genuinely nice guys play such horrible people on TV and are able to make it work. Edge would launch into the stratosphere in January of 2006. New Year's Revolution in Albany, NY. One of my favorite moments ever. John Cena wins the Elimination Chamber match and the Albany crowd is just furious. This was when the Cena dislike had really gotten rolling. That crowd was booing everything that Cena did. Vince McMahon walks out and announces that Edge is cashing in his Money In The Bank. Edge walks to the ring and that place popped like you would not believe. I heard someone that was in the building that night describe it as a hero's welcome that he got. Edge pulls such a heel tactic by cashing in at the most opportune time on a hurt Cena. Edge hits the spear and wins the WWE title for the first time and the place goes insane. It is hilarious to watch the show and see the reaction from that crowd. It was said to be unbelievably loud there live including people jumping up and down. Me? Duh, of course I loved it. Edge's title reign wouldn't last long unfortunately but it was the first of many to come. Edge became one of those guys in WWE that you could count on to have a great match. Edge and Cena was one of my favorite rivalries in recent years and they just had a bunch of great matches. The big culmination was the TLC match that just tore the house down. So many big spots in it. Another one of my favorite feuds in recent years was his feud with The Undertaker. Lots of mind games played between the two and great matches including WrestleMania. Edge had bad timing at a lot of times due to injuries just after he would win the title. Just felt so bad for the guy. Then, he would come back and jump right back in the mix where he was. Edge has jumped from face to heel a lot in the last couple of years but has become the face of Smackdown. You knew that you were going to get something quality on that show with him being on it. My last time seeing Edge live, so far anyway, was last year at Raw in Nashville. It was the night after he won the Royal Rumble as he was the surprise return entrant that night. Edge opened the show to a mixed reaction from the fans not knowing whether he was a face or heel really. It didn't matter to me as I was up out of my chair screaming when his music hit. LOL. He had a face off with Sheamus as he teased on who he was going to face at WrestleMania as the challenger. Sheamus attacked but Edge ended up laying him out with a spear. The crowd was definitely into him then. I had thought about attending a Smackdown live event in the future just to make sure that I got to see him again knowing that his career was winding down. Just wasn't expecting it so suddenly. Edge's last match would be fittingly enough at WrestleMania XXVII a few weeks ago. He walked in and walked out as champion in front of a sold out crowd. Hard to beat that for your last match. I have heard that Christian was likely added to that match with WWE wanting them to come full circle just in case this was his last match. WWE was definitely planning on a just in case deal there. Edge has always been known for having those great matches. Lots of high risk moments. All of those risks and injuries have piled up and unfortunately ended his career way too young. His WWE career was 13 years in length. Seems like a short time compared to others but look at the accomplishments in those 13 years. 31 championship wins. The most by any WWE superstar ever. 11 world titles (4 WWE titles, 7 World titles), 5 Intercontinental titles, 14 tag team titles, and 1 U.S. title reign. He won King Of The Ring in 2001, main evented WrestleMania, and just did everything that you can do. That is one topic this week. What really was there left for him to do anyway to accomplish? He was that great solid performer that we could count on. Now, unfortunately we won't get to see him compete again but I do look forward to seeing him go into the Hall Of Fame.
The farewell for Edge is not over. Raw was not the last moment. I'm not going to spoil anything for Smackdown cause it has already been announced. Edge does appear on Smackdown to give up the world title and gives another great speech. I have seen the video of it already and it is tremendous. What is even more tremendous is the stuff that I don't think we will see on TV. I'm fairly sure that the post show stuff will not air with Edge getting a locker room wide ovation from the fans. Triple H gets involved and it is just great stuff including his "get back in there" thing.
Many people took to Twitter to comment on Edge and his retirement. Just so many great messages and you can see just how well loved this guy is. I don't have them all in here so just know that there are a TON of messages. I just picked out some of them.
"I've shed my tears..And from here on out I choose 2celebrate 1 of the greatest careers in WWE history..Cant wait2 induct u in the HOF #Edge." - Christian
"Edge will always be one of my favorites. I'm so grateful I was in a role to help him launch his wwe dream. Dreams do come true. Edge=HOF!" - Jim Ross
"Have had contact w/Edge & he is looking 4ward 2what the future holds. It will b great, good things happen 2 good people & he is just that." - Shawn Michaels
"Edge - you are my brother, an inspiration and define the word "superstar". THANK YOU Adam.. for everything." - The Rock
"CeNation. I am very proud of edge for all that he has accomplished. He is certain to be in the hall of fame. Im proud to have had so many Great moments with him. He is a true wrestling purist and one of the smartest people I've had the pleasure of wrestling with. For your last match to be a championship win at WrestleMania ...is a good finish to one great career." - John Cena
"I remember training w/both Edge & Christian in a ring @ my house back in '97 & he'll always be one of my guys. Such an abrupt end to a great career saddens the entire wrestling world. Cheers to the rated-R Superstar." - Bret Hart
"Will miss Edge not only in ring, but in the lockeroom even more. He was one of the few who I could call a friend. I learned alot from him." - Randy Orton
"Thank you Adam for everything.. you've been such a great friend your an amazing person, n inspiration and I had the honor of working with u!" - Kelly Kelly
"In wrestling you make many acquaintances and few friends. Edge is a friend. My friend, seeing you was always a pleasure and never a chore." - Joey Styles
"Edge is a great performer and 1 of my favorite opponents. He's also got an incredible MIND for the business. Congrats on an amazing career" - Chris Jericho
"An emotional night for sure. #ThankYouEdge. One of the most creative, hard working, passionate, & helpful men in the WWE. We'll miss you!" - Eve
"I'm so sad to see Edge leave...I'm honored I got to learn so much from him. He will be missed." - Vickie Guererro
"My motto has always been I wrestle every single match like it is my last, cause 1 day I know it will b. Thanks Edge 4 everything u hav done" - Tommy Dreamer
"It's sad to see my friend Edge Retire from WWE. Edge was one of the Best. Your Fans will miss You dearly. I know I will. Luv u Edge!!!!" - Kurt Angle
"A sad day for wrestling, but what an amazing career for Edge. I was so fortunate to have been his opponent, his partner, his friend." - Mick Foley
"Thank u Edge for everything u have given to the business and ur friendship. We r sad 2 c u go but grateful 4 ur health.also can't wait 2 c christian induct u to the HOF" - Gail Kim
"Thank you Edge for everything that you gave and meant to this industry, and personally speaking, thank you for your friendship!" - Howard Finkel
"Wishing Edge the very best. What a outstanding gentleman and friend, notwithstanding a fine athlete and performer." - Paul Bearer
"A Little late but I just heard about Edge's Retirement. Good People, GREAT wrestler, and will sorely be missed in the ring." - Samoa Joe
"Best of luck to Edge. Class guy and a great talent. He will find success in anything he pursues." - Eric Bischoff
"the loss of Edge is a sad day 4 the WWE great in ring,but such a special guy out,he still has years left to give" - Kevin Nash
"Thank you Edge..." - Maryse
"Heard Adam is retiring because of physical issues that won't allow him to safely continue wrestling. He'll be missed, we've certainly had our fair share of issues.. Both good and bad. But I tip my hat to Edge who is one of the greatest I've ever been in the ring with. Adam resides in NC now-sure I'll run into him down the road. Glad that him & I are in a good place. We came in as friends, & went out that way." - Matt Hardy
"EDGE will be missed. It was an honor to share the ring with him, and compete against him. Truly one of the best. Stay in touch Edger" - Charlie Haas
"I have a tremendous amount of respect for Edge. A great career and a great human being." - Wade Barrett
"Beside's I love the guy & I hope he enjoys his retirement, for how ever long it may be. He deserves everything he achieved" - Sean Waltman
"Seeing edge say goodbye was surreal. He is irreplaceable." - Beth Phoenix
"Didn't catch raw but heard about most important part. I love you Edger! Thank you all you've given to a biz I have always loved! Mad respect" - Michelle McCool
"Edge, 1 of the GREAT guys in the biz. Awesone talent & awesome guy! I live the numbness in arms due to neck issues also, scary.Be well bro." - Taz
"Yeah my wife told me about Edge turning in his boots last night. I'm Happy that he knows when the ring is a danger. You guys remember that Wrestling is a Biz to us and luxury to you. Edge will do great in his next steps of Life. Thank you Edge for all the bumps and bruises that you put your body through. You where one of the best in the ring. Hopefully some young guys takes notes. Young man does well for himself =makes money=saves money=retires young=lives ever after a good life. Who knows he might get better and make a big return. You never know!!!!!" - Shannon Moore
"I always enjoyed Edge. Good dude too. Always nice (must be the Canadian in him). Good luck to him in his future. Def HOF guy." - Steve Corino
"Good luck to Edge on his future endeavors. He will be missed. But he is going to love retirement. Enjoy !" - Tara, the artist formerly known as Victoria.
So, there you have it. A lot of great tributes to Edge. You can tell just how loved that he is in this business and how missed he is going to be. I know I'm going to miss him. One of my favorite superstars ever and one of the greatest ever. Edgehead since 1998 and that will go on. Thanks for everything Edge.
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